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Expert Bottle Palletizing – Precision Meets Innovation

Diverse bottle shapes present unique challenges in palletizing, and addressing these demands substantial expertise and understanding. Here at Holmek Automation, we incorporate our deep industry knowledge into the design of advanced palletizing systems. With a keen focus on specific bottle contours, our innovative solutions ensure precision handling, maintaining the integrity and aesthetics of every individual item from the very beginning until the final pallet.

Palletizing bottles is not simply a matter of moving items from one place to another – it’s about enabling a seamless flow of operations that is integral to your production success.

Ensuring Smooth, Uninterrupted Palletizing

Our dedicated team of experts designs palletizing systems that ensure a smooth, continuous flow, eliminating bottlenecks, and maximizing productivity.

We believe no two production requirements are alike. At Holmek Automation, we don’t just address your needs, we map them out, understanding their nuances to customize a palletizing flow specifically catered to your specifications.

Witness the benefits of a truly collaborative partnership as we work closely with you, shaping the future of palletizing – one precision-crafted, tailor-made solution at a time.

A reliable palletizing partner

Explore what Holmek Automation's palletizing machines can do for your business today. Contact us now to learn more.

Carsoe Norway Helge Eiken CEO

Helge Eiken

CEO - Holmek Automation

+47 91 19 70 59

Learn more about Palletizing for Onboard and Landbased Production Facilities